Prof. Ing. Pavel NOVÁK, Ph.D.

Prof. Ing. Pavel NOVÁK, Ph.D.

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, EU

Position: professor, vice-rector for research and development

Specialization: Intermetallics, powder metallurgy, heat treatment


Pavel Novák currently works as a professor at the Department of metals and corrosion engineering of University of Chemistry and Technology Prague and as a vice rector for research and development. He has also short-term experience with the work in industry (Procter and Gamble, Ecosond). During years 2015-2020 he served as a vice-chair of COST CA15102 Action, where he gained wide international contacts.


Prof. Novak received all of his degrees from the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (Ing. 2002, Ph.D. 2006, doc. 2011 and prof. 2022). His studies were focused on Chemical technology of metals and special inorganic materials and on Metallurgy.


2006 – Unipetrol Award for the best dissertation thesis
